ASTM E2190: Insulating Glass Unit Performance and Evaluation
Standard: ASTM E2190 – Standard Specification for Insulating Glass Unit Performance and Evaluation
Certification Required: Manufacturers may find it beneficial to obtain a certification (certification bodies include IGCC, NAMI, ALI and Keystone Certifications) to provide third-party assurance of their material's performance characteristics.
Scope: Per ASTM E2190, "The qualification of test specimens is based on frost/dew point and on the absence of fog after the specified test durations. The qualification of argon gas filled test specimens is based on the aforementioned and maintaining the specified argon gas amounts before and after testing to Test Method E2188."
Applicable Products: Per ASTM E2190, "This specification covers preassembled permanently sealed insulating glass units with one or two airspaces and preassembled insulating glass units with capillary tubes intentionally left open. This specification is applicable to both double-glazed and triple-glazed insulating glass units; for triple-glazed insulating glass units where both of the outer lites are glass and inner lite is either glass or a suspended film."
Test Procedure: Per ASTM E2190, "4.1 To pass the specification for Test Method E2188:
4.1.1 Six units shall complete all testing unbroken. These units shall have frost/dew points determined and reported. The final frost/dew points shall be -40°C or colder when measured in accordance with Test Method E546 or equivalent.
4.2 To pass the specification for Test Method E2189:
4.2.1 The units that complete Test Method E2189 shall have no fog visible after testing.
4.3 To pass the specification for argon filled units:
4.3.1 The average initial argon gas concentration of the specimens prior to testing to Test Method E2188 shall be a minimum of 90 %. No individual test specimen shall have an argon concentration of less than 50 %.
4.3.2 The average final argon gas concentration of the six specimens after testing to Test Method E2188 shall be a minimum of 80 %. No individual test specimen shall have an argon concentration of less than 50 %.
4.4 Fog-No fog shall be visible after testing in accordance with Test Method E2189."
End Result: Qualification under this specification is intended to provide a basis for evaluating the durability of sealed insulating glass units.
Special Notes: (None)
Intertek Testing Locations: York, PA; Plano, TX; Fresno, CA; Kent, WA; Fridley, MN
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