AAMA 502-12: Field Testing of Newly Installed Fenestration Products
Standard: AAMA 502-12 – Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Newly Installed Fenestration Products
Scope: This test method establishes the requirements for field test specimens, apparatus, and sampling. Test procedures and test reports to be used in verifying the air infiltration resistance performance and water penetration resistance performance of newly installed fenestration products.
Applicable Products: Applicable to newly installed windows and doors.
Test Procedure: The perimeter of the chamber is attached and sealed to adjacent frame members, concrete, structural steel or drywall at the top, bottom and sides of the specimen. The chamber is equipped with a centrifugal blower/vacuum pump, air flow meter, and a pressure sensing device to maintain the desired air pressure differential across the assembly.
ASTM E783 – A polyethylene sheet is sealed over the exterior surface of the test specimen. Air is evacuated/introduced from the chamber to produce the required pressure differential. The amount of airflow (cfm) required to maintain the pressure differential is recorded (extraneous air leakage). Subsequently, the polyethylene sheet is removed from the exterior surface of the specimen. As a result, air infiltrating through the specimen changes the pressure inside the chamber. Adjustments are made to the test equipment to maintain the pressure differential, and the increased airflow is recorded (total airflow). The extraneous air leakage is subtracted from the total airflow resulting in a net airflow amount entering through the specimen. The amount of net airflow is divided by the square footage of the specimen and compared to the maximum allowable air infiltration rate cfm/ft2.
ASTM E1105, Procedure A – Water penetration testing is conducted at the specified air pressure differential while simultaneously spraying water on to the exterior face of the assembly at the required rate of 5 gph/ft2. During testing, the interior face of the test area is inspected for water leakage. Testing continues for 15 minutes.
ASTM E1105, Procedure B – Water penetration testing is conducted at the specified air pressure differential. Four cycles are employed during the test unless otherwise requested. Each cycle consists of 5 minutes with the air pressure applied and 1 minute with the air pressure released. Water is applied continuously at the required rate of 5gph/ft2. During testing, the interior face of the test area is inspected for water leakage.
End Result: Upon the completion of a successful test, the product meets the performance criteria for air infiltration resistance and water penetration resistance or does not meet criteria and further remediation may be required to pass.