Effective August 17, 2015
Effective Date (see Schedule below): August 17, 2015
Impact Statement: A review of all Listing Reports is necessary to determine which products comply with new/revised requirements and which products will require re-evaluation. NOTE: Effective immediately, this revised standard will be exclusively used for evaluation of new products unless the Applicant requests in writing that current requirements be used along with their understanding that their listings will be withdrawn on Effective Date noted above, unless the product is found to comply with new/revised requirements.
Overview of Changes: This update includes revisions related to the evaluation of cord connected, household steam mops. Specific details of new/revised requirements are found in table below.
Schedule: So that shipping of products with Listing Marks will not be interrupted, an approximateschedule has been established to ensure Listing Reports are found compliant by Effective Date:
- January 5, 2015 = 7-8 Month Report Review – Intertek will review all Reports. Update if compliance is verified or issue Findings Letter/Quote for any re-evaluations needed
- February 26 = 6 Month Quote Cut-off – Quotes returned for necessary re-evaluations
- July 17, 2015 = 30 Day Warning – Client advised of all non-compliant Reports to be Suspended
- August 17, 2015 = Effective Date – ATM Suspended for all non-compliant Reports
Fees: An initial review of Listing Report (s) will be covered by a direct billing project and will be invoiced at not more than $550 per report.
Client Action Required:
Information – To assist our Engineer with review of your Listing Reports, please submit technical information in response to the new/revised paragraphs noted in the attached or explain why these new/revised requirements do not apply to your product (s).
Current Listings Not Active? – Please immediately identify any current Listing Reports or products that are no longer active and should be removed from our records. We will do this at no charge as long as Intertek is notified in writing prior to the review of your reports.
NOTE: Additions to existing requirements are underlined and deletions are shown lined out below.
Clause | Verdict | Comment |
5.4.6 | A handle used on a steam mop shall withstand a force of four times the empty weight of the steam mop without damage to the handle, its securing means, or that portion of the enclosure to which the handle is attached. See Clause 7.28. | | | For all appliances, the length of the power supply cord and attachment plug, as measured from where the cord enters the appliance to the face of the attachment plug, or the overall length of a cord set supplied with the appliance shall be not less than 0.6 m (2 ft) nor greater than 2.1 m (7 ft). Deep fryer, cooker/fryer, or oil fondue type appliances shall be provided with a detachable power supply cord having a cord length greater than 0.6 m (2 ft) but less than 0.9 m (3 ft). Steam mops shall be provided with an attached flexible power supply cord not less than 1.82 m (6 ft) as measured from the face of the attachment plug cap to the point at which the cord enters the appliance. | | | Wiring routed between the handle and the base of a steam mop that can be subjected to the flexing or movement during normal operation of the appliance shall comply with the wire flexing requirements in Clause 7.7.4. | |
7.6.1 | The power supply cord or cord set in a cord-connected appliance shall withstand a flexing test where the cord enters the enclosure or where the cord enters the appliance plug (or thermostatic probe) without causing discontinuity or exposure of a conductor or displacement or breakage of the anti-kink device. The rate of flexing shall be 10 cycles per minute unless the manufacturer agrees to a faster rate, and the number of cycles shall be as specified in Table 5. The power supply cord shall not be energized for all appliances, except steam mops. For steam mops, the power supply cord conductors shall be loaded to the rated current and voltage of the appliance. Current shall not be passed through the grounding conductor, which shall be connected to ground. At the conclusion of the test the appliance shall still function and shall comply with the specified dielectric strength test (see Clause 7.5). A flexing test is not required for where the cord enters the attachment plug. | | | With reference to Clause, steam mops shall be subjected to the test specified in Clause As a result of the test, there shall be no electrical failure or mechanical failure that would render the appliance electrically hazardous, and after the flexing test the appliance shall comply with the dielectric strength test specified in Clause 7.5. | | | A cycle of flexing shall start with the handle of the steam mop in the vertical position. The appliance handle shall be rotated to 78.7 cm (31 in) from the floor or rotated to its maximum extent, whichever is greater. The voltage of the supply circuit and the temperature conditions shall be the same as used for the normal temperature test. The appliance shall be cycled for 6000 cycles. The rate of flexing shall be 6 to 10 cycles per minute, except a faster rate of flexing may be employed, if agreeable to those concerned. | |
7.28 | Strength of Handles With reference to Clause 5.4.6, the weight of the appliance plus a force of three times its weight shall be used. The load shall be uniformly applied over a 76.2 mm (3 in) width at the centre of the handle without clamping. The load shall be started at zero and gradually increased so that the test value is reached in 5 to 10 s and shall be maintained for 1 min. |
CUSTOMERS PLEASE NOTE: This Table and column "Verdict" can be used in determining how your current or future production is or will be in compliance with new/revised requirements.