Potable water quality testing on ships.
Potable water testing supports ship owners and operators, helping to ensure drinking and recreational water quality standards are met for crew, passengers, and visitors.
Maritime Labour Convention guidelines require seafarers have access to good quality potable water, including water used for drinking, food preparation, and other uses. Intertek Lintec supports ship owners and operators with convenient potable water testing, helping to ensure water quality standards are met.
Maritime Potable Water Quality Testing:
Water quality standards vary from country to country. Each flag state lays down minimum requirements to ensure that drinking water of appropriate quality is made available. Meeting the criteria laid down by a particular flag state might not be enough to ensure high levels of water quality.
Intertek’s expertise in potable water analysis helps clients monitor the water quality on their ships, helping them maintain higher quality levels and reducing the risk of infection or illness.
Intertek Lintec’s laboratory analysis services are designed to satisfy the requirements of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the International Labour Organisation, and the Maritime Labour Convention.
Recreational Water Analysis for Ships:
Intertek Lintec offers tests designed recreational water analysis, including water used in swimming pools and hot tubs. For owners and operators of cruise ships, recreational water testing provides additional peace of mind, helping ensure reasonable care for their passengers and crew.
On-board test kits are a useful tool for allowing ship staff to monitor day-to-day changes in the quality of recreational water. Intertek Lintec is able to offer a range of kits suitable for on-board use to complement laboratory analysis.
Water quality testing services: