Technical Regulation for Stand-by and Sleep Mode Electric Power Consumption

06 Nov 2023
Revised enforcement date for the technical regulation of Stand-by and Sleep Mode power consumption
Manufacturers and Exporters of Electrical products to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) are hereby advised of the latest update from SASO concerning the revised enforcement date of 1st April 2024 for the enforcement of the Technical Regulation for requirements of Stand-by and Sleep mode electric power consumption. The earlier enforcement date for the Technical Regulation was 1st July 2024. SASO has also confirmed that the enforcement will be through a Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (S-DoC) provided by the Manufacturers and/or their Legal representatives in the KSA in lieu of submission of Test Reports and other conformity assessment procedures.
The following Electrical products are covered under the scope of the Technical Regulation:
- Clothes dryers
- Dishwashers
- Washing Machines
- Microwave
- Electric ovens
- TVs and electronic displays
Some of the above products require the mandatory SASO IECEE Recognition Certificate (SIRC) and SASO will be checking for the availability of S-DoC in the technical file prior to the issuance of the SASO IECEE Recognition Certificate (SIRC). For the rest of the products, Intertek will be checking for the availability of S-DoC in the technical file prior to the issuance of P-CoCs in SABER.